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Expert help - anytime, accurately and anywhere
The SAP provides support packages (SAPK-60735INEAHRCGB, SAPK-60736INEAHRCGB) and SAP Notes (2122631, 2106115, 2106114, 2 126181), a new class that makes the P60 control certificate easily displayed in the ESS. The class CL_HRESS_P60_GB is in the package PAOC_ESS_PER_GB. With the GET_FORM_DATA method, you can access a form directly as a PDF and install it into your own application. To do this, you specify the personnel number of the person and the corresponding parameters of the type HRESS_T7GB_ESS_F as the import parameter.
Any support request that we receive will only be completed after positive feedback from the user. The solution of each problem serves as the basis for another knowledge base entry for this project / solution.
How does SAP support for hybrid platforms work in the digital age and in real time?
Moreover, artificial intelligence has the potential to further reduce the response time for technical questions. We are already working on scenarios to use machine learning algorithms in support. The starting point for all our innovations is always the needs and feedback of our customers. We also involve customers in the development and pilot phases.
In order not to miss the goal of a support agreement, our specialists make sure that no new functionalities are introduced via the support. New requirements still need to be approved and initiated by project managers via change requests. For smooth support, it is also important to identify early on whether the cause is in the software or the IT infrastructure. We also provide advice on these issues.
A useful product - "Shortcut for SAP Systems" - is available for SAP Support employees.
In addition to support and maintenance services, Infopulse offers all types of development services as well as integrations, customisations and other enhancements to achieve higher productivity and performance of your SAP solutions.
On the basis of framework agreements and service level agreements, we conclude a long-term service partnership with you and offer you legal security.