Innovation and advice
Quick Support
We successfully completed the 200,000 chat this year the week before last. We talk to our customers in over 5,000 chats a week. We expect this to increase as many of our customers have not yet discovered the real-time support channels for themselves. In addition, awards are a good way for customers to get a neutral rating. We are proud that ASP, the Association of Support Professionals, has awarded us the Top 10 Support Web Site Award.
We use a number of modern tools to support your business continuity. From our proprietary tool for 24/7 system monitoring to our own issue tracking system, Hicron is well prepared to monitor your system.
Do you want to stay in touch with SAP in the future?
Your employees will be relieved enormously. So you have more capacity to take care of strategic projects and are not concerned with daily support problems.
Make the most of your entire SAP software. Our extensive support offerings include long-term support plans, on-site support and remote support.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" is a PC application that simplifies or even enables many SAP support activities.
But it is particularly time-consuming and burdensome to put together suitable learning aids at the same time, especially during the introduction of a complex ERP application system such as SAP's.
With this service we will do everything for you.