Contact points for tracking metrics to support users and process-specific introductory metrics
Innovation services and solutions
Consumption Analysis - Result: You have full transparency about your IT environment, which gives you a stronger negotiating position. Licences can be reassigned to ensure the best possible licence usage.
The first stage of cooperation is always to determine the needs of your company and SAP users. Knowing which processes are critical to your business is the key to ensuring business continuity.
Managing and measuring innovation in an innovation strategy
Almost a fifth of them were positive or neutral about the more "expensive" support model Enterprise Support. A total of 42% of those surveyed see this as a low or no added value. Interestingly, almost 40 percent did not say anything about this topic. Nevertheless, a positive trend is emerging. In a similar survey last year, nearly three-quarters of the participants said they had little or no added value to Enterprise Support. "The benefits of Enterprise Support, such as free services, have not yet been widely publicised by customers. The Enterprise Support Academy launched by SAP, which is an educational institution, is promising, but should receive even more attention," concludes Andreas Oczko. Nevertheless, SAP is still calling for standard support to remain in focus. The performance of this support model, which is also paid a significant maintenance rate, should not only include a minimum of service levels. We need to create more transparency about what service is included in which support contract. The information day is free of charge for SAP customers, it presents topics around enterprise support. The target group is customers who have an Enterprise Support Maintenance Agreement or are interested in it.
We guarantee transparency in cooperation by means of regular reporting. We appoint an SAP Solution Manager responsible for you, who will interact with you periodically and take care of all your managed services requirements. The ticketing system used documents the progress of their SAP Managed Service.
With "Shortcut for SAP Systems", a tool is available to help your SAP support with troubleshooting.
Bring your systems to peak performance.
Not to lose track here can often be very difficult especially small teams.