SAP Authorizations SAP Data Analytics - SAP Basis

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SAP Data Analytics
Use SU22 and SU24 transactions correctly
You want to maintain suggestion values for existing applications, but are you tired of the time-consuming manual maintenance? There's a new way! Maintenance of proposed values can vary greatly depending on company specifications or security guidelines. Depending on the requirements, the suggested values provided by SAP may be sufficient or need to be supplemented.

If the authorization objects also require permission fields, you can create them in the SU20 transaction. When creating a authorization object in the SU21 transaction, you first set a name and description for the authorization object, and then assign it to an object class. Then assign the necessary permission fields. If any of these fields are ACTVT, you can select all of the activities to be checked by clicking the Activities button. The navigation behaviour has been improved here a lot.
Permissions checks
Authorization objects are defined with the help of transaction SU21. Each SAP transaction is equipped with the required authorization objects in SU24, which control access to specific functions within the respective program. Standard programs / transactions of an ERP system are already equipped with these objects during the initial installation. The same applies to other platforms such as CRM or Solution Manager.

The second example requires additional permission checks to display certain documents in the FBL*N transactions. This can be achieved by means of the expression and activation of a function block in the BTE, the so-called processes and events. The sample function module BTE for the event 1650 can be found in the FIBF transaction in the area of Publish-&-Subscribe interfaces (Environment > Information System (P/S)). The sample function module is basically used to enrich data in the item display. To do this, he passes the complete record per document line and expects it to be enriched back. This is exactly what we are using.

However, if your Identity Management system is currently not available or the approval path is interrupted, you can still assign urgently needed authorizations with "Shortcut for SAP systems".

The customising parameters in the table PRGN_CUST control the password generator in the transactions SU01 and SU10.

With the introduction of security policy, it is now possible to define your own security policy for System or Service users.
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