Query the Data from an HCM Personnel Root Record
Another option is to not assign the SAP_NEW permission to a user. For example, during the tests to be performed, both the development system and the quality assurance system will experience permission errors. These should then be evaluated accordingly and included in the appropriate eligibility roles for the correct handling of the transactions.
The permission checks are logged as part of the system trace in transaction ST01. It records all permission checks and validated permission values for a specific application server, and specifies, depending on the client, whether the permission checks were successful or not. The Trace display has now been improved (see also SAP Note 1373111).
To help you better find your own tables in the future, check your development policy to see if the storage is adequately described. If the development guidelines are not complete, you should supplement them. For example content for a development policy, see the DSAG Web site under Guides. Now go toäden and search for "Best Practice Guide Development".
The selection mask for selecting change documents in the transaction SCUH is divided into four sections: Standard selection (similar to other SUIM reports), output, selection criteria, and distribution parameters. In the default selection you have the option to specify for which model view, for which modifier (Modified by) and for which time period you want to view change documents.
The possibility of assigning authorizations during the go-live can be additionally secured by using "Shortcut for SAP systems".
This accumulation is bound to result in users being able to perform more actions than you would like as the permission administrator.
This can be achieved by means of the expression and activation of a function block in the BTE, the so-called processes and events.