Our services in the area of SAP authorizations
View system modifiability settings
After you have completed the development of the User-Exit, you still need to transport your validation. To do this, navigate back and highlight the validation you have created. You can now include the objects in a transport order using the Validation > Transport menu path. Finally, you need to activate your validation via the OB28 transaction. Please note that this is only possible for one validation (with several steps if necessary) per booking circle and time. Now your validation will be carried out with additional checks during the document booking via an interface.
Do you have considerable care effort due to additional roles that you cannot deduce? Create a new organisational level to solve your problems. In the SAP system, you can create derived roles for specific fields in authorization objects. This is possible only if these fields are organisation levels. Unfortunately, not all fields that you need as an organisation level are laid down in the standard as such, such as the cost centre. It may also be that you only use one sales organisation in your company and would therefore like to define the sales office. So there are several reasons why you want to define a field as an organisational level. We will explain how this works and what you need to consider.
Grant permissions for SAP background processing
Together with you, we develop suitable authorizations for your systems and processes. In workshops with your departments, we create concepts to assign the required rights to employees. The goal is to define so-called job roles, which represent job profiles at the job level.
Excel-based tools typically do not know the release-specific suggestion values (they often work without the in-system suggestion value mechanism, because they do not use the PFCG transaction). This also means that it is not possible to upgrade rolls with standard SAP tools, such as the SU25 transaction. This also increases the dependency on the external tool, and the authorisation system is further removed from the SAP standard and the best practices recommended by SAP in role management.
For the assignment of existing roles, regular authorization workflows require a certain minimum of turnaround time, and not every approver is available at every go-live. With "Shortcut for SAP systems" you have options to assign urgently needed authorizations anyway and to additionally secure your go-live.
In the transaction SU01, enter a non-existent user ID and click the Create button (F8).
This makes the table a white list.