Role Management
Customer and vendor totals statements: The Customer or Vendor Accounting Sum. Rate Tables (KNC1/KNC3 or LFC1/LFC3) do not include the Profit Centre field. Therefore, authorisation control with regard to the profit centre is not possible for evaluations such as the customer and vendor balance lists (transactions FD10N or FK10N).
If, after an upgrade or after inserting a support package, you have used the SU25 transaction with steps 1 or 2a to bring suggested values to the latest SAP system state, you must restore the suggested values to the customer's organisation levels with the PFCG_ORGFIELD_UPGRADE report. To do this, you must run the report for each field, with the report's search engine showing only the affected organisation levels.
Security in development systems
Evaluate the criticality of the security advisories for your company and also take into account the risks that may arise from the introduction of the SAP notes. This may include, for example, risks or expenses due to change and the corresponding tests in a productively used business process. Depending on this evaluation, you decide which safety instructions you want to insert directly and which hints should be implemented in the next maintenance cycle.
Security notes correct vulnerabilities in SAP standard software that can be exploited internally or externally. Use the System Recommendations application to keep your systems up to date. SAP software is subject to high quality assurance standards - however, security vulnerabilities may occur in the code. These vulnerabilities can, in the worst case scenario, open the door to external and internal intruders. It is not difficult to find guidance on exploiting these vulnerabilities in relevant internet forums. A permission concept is only as good as the code that performs the permission checks. If no permission check occurs in your code, the permission concept cannot restrict access. For these reasons, SAP has introduced Security Patch Day (every other Tuesday of the month), which will allow you to better plan for implementing the security advisories. In addition, you can use the System Recommendations application in the SAP Solution Manager to get a detailed, cross-system overview of the security advice you need. The system status and the SAP hints already implemented are taken into account. With this support, ensure that your system landscape is at the current security level.
Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".
If, before mixing, permissions were already in the Maintenance status Standard (this applies to both Active and Inactive) or Inactive Standard, the underlying programme compares the values and the associated Maintenance Status of all eligibility fields and checks to what extent new suggestion values are present in the transaction SU24 and whether new permission fields must be added.
There is the possibility to link multiple tables (join), which makes multiple SE16 queries just one SAP query.