Make sense in maintaining proposal values
System trace function ST01
The SAP_NEW profile is basically designed to bridge the release differences in eligibility checks after an upgrade and ensure that the established business processes remain executable after an upgrade. The SAP_NEW permission should only be assigned temporarily and only in emergencies in a productive SAP system after an upgrade.
You can do without taking obsolete profile data into account by adding the correction from SAP Note 1819126 and then setting the REC_OBSOLETE_AUTHS customising switch to NO in the table PRGN_CUST. This correction is also important because it fixes runtime problems when releasing role transports, resulting from the correction in SAP Note 1614407. As a general rule, you should always run bulk transport sharing in the background.
Use application search in transaction SAIS_SEARCH_APPL
The SAP authorization concept must generally be created in two versions: for the ABAP stack and for the Java stack. Which roles are required, which role may call which SAP functions, and other conceptual issues are identical. However, there are fundamental differences between the two versions.
We therefore recommend that you schedule a background job on the PFUD transaction, which performs a regular user comparison (see Trick 17, "Schedule PFUD transaction on a regular basis"). By the way, did you know that the auth/tcodes_not_checked profile parameter enables you to disable the transaction startup permissions for the SU53 and SU56 transactions? To do this, enter the value SU53, SU56, or SU53 SU56 for the profile parameter. This means that the end user no longer needs the permissions to run these transaction codes from the S_TCODE authorization object.
During go-live, the assignment of necessary authorizations is particularly time-critical. The "Shortcut for SAP systems" application provides functions for this purpose, so that the go-live does not get bogged down because of missing authorizations.
Currency of the trace execution, the authorization check is recorded exactly once for each user.
This allows you to centrally access applications that reside in different SAP systems and have different UI technologies.