SAP Authorizations Maintenance Status - SAP Basis

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Maintenance Status
Know why which user has which SAP authorization
From the result of the statistical usage data, you can see which transactions (ENTRY_ID) were used, how often (COUNTER), and how many different users. There are various indications from this information. For example, transactions that were used only once by a user within 12 months could indicate a very privileged user, or inadvertently invoking a transaction for which a user has permissions. The future assignment of such transactions in the SAP role concept should then be critically questioned. In contrast, you should consider transactions with a high level of usage and a large user circle (e.g. with more than ten users) in an SAP role concept.

When your selection is complete, just exit the image with the green button. You will now arrive at the Details Selector screen, where you can select the selection fields and the output fields (the List Field Selector and Selection Fields tabs) of your table combination. We select the authorization objects and values as selection and the role name, and the user as output fields. Done! Now the query can be started with the Run button. In the background, the system creates a programme that builds the join. As a result, a selection screen appears. Enter"S_TCODE"as object and"SCC4"as field value (we only have one field for this object). When you click Run, all users and the triggers are output to you.
User group can be defined as required field
By adding certain SAP standard reports and the user information system ("SUIM"), you can quickly identify security-relevant issues and correct any errors. This improves basic management of your existing security concept and protects you against external and internal intrusions. If you need help with your system analysis, please feel free to contact us. Xiting offers you a wide range of services related to SAP Security. Above all, our proprietary security tool, the Xiting Authorizations Management Suite, or XAMS for short, allows you to build a new role concept based on your usage data and even generate a revision-compliant security concept at the push of a button. Why not see for yourself and join one of our many different webinars.

You can disable this new behaviour for the SAP_ALL profile by setting the customising switch ADD_S_RFCACL to the value YES in the table PRGN_CUST. If the ADD_S_RFCACL entry is YES, SAP_ALL still contains the total permissions for the S_RFCACL authorization object.

Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".

All documentation should be provided with the essential information (creator, date, version, etc.) and be in a format that cannot be changed (usually PDF).

Select the entry you just created and double-click to open the Permissions Data folder to maintain the permissions data.
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