Essential authorizations and parameters in the SAP® environment
Law-critical authorizations
Role selection for mass transport uses the default value help, which offers the Multiple Selection button. Thus, you no longer have to go through the Value Helper (F4) to perform multiple selection of roles, and the restriction of selected roles to the visible rows is eliminated.
Create a report transaction for the report that is called in the background job. Set up the report transaction in the transaction SE93 and assign the report RHAUTUPD_NEW as a programme. Start the authorisation trace by setting the auth/ authorisation_trace profile parameter to Y or F if you want to work with filters (see tip 38, "Use the SU22 and SU24 transactions correctly"). Now run the job to collect permission checks on the permission trace. Your permission checks should now be visible in the STUSOBTRACE transaction. Now maintain the permission proposal values for your report transaction in transaction SU24 by entering the transaction code in the appropriate field. You will find that no values are maintained. Now switch to Change Mode. You can add your permission suggestions from the trace using the Object > Insert objects from Permissions Trace > Local (see Tip 40, "Use Permission Trace to Determine Suggest Values for Custom Developments"). Add the suggestion values for each displayed authorization object. Now create a PFCG role that includes the report transaction permission and maintain the open permission fields. Then test whether the job can be run with the permissions from the PFCG role.
In the SAP system, passwords are locked when the maximum number of allowed password login errors is reached. This counter is reset with a password each time you successfully log in. In addition, an initial password can be locked when its validity has expired. Both the validity of the initial password and the maximum value for password login errors are set using profile parameters. For details, see Tip 4, "Set password parameters and valid passwords characters". A password lock only prevents a user from logging in via his password, because the number of errors is only evaluated if the login is done by password. If a login is now made via other authentication methods (such as SSO), these are not affected by the password lock. This also applies to internal expiration procedures (such as background jobs) because you do not need to register a password. This prevents, for example, denial-of-service attacks, which first cause a password to be locked in order to block internal processes. Eine Ausnahme von dieser Regel gibt es allerdings: Auch wenn andere Authentifizierungsverfahren genutzt werden, prüft das System, ob der Benutzer dazu in der Lage ist, sich mit einem Passwort anzumelden. Wenn dies der Fall ist und das Passwort gerade geändert werden muss, wird diese Änderung vom Benutzer abgefragt. Diese Abfrage können Sie aber auch mithilfe des Profilparameters login/password_change_for_SSO ausschalten.
Structural authorizations have a so-called root object, i.e. a starting point and an associated evaluation path. The organization chart of the company is stored in SAP HCM. This makes it possible to see how which positions are linked to each other. If a specific piece of information about an employee is required, it can be read out via a path. At the end there is a list of objects.
Secure your go-live additionally with "Shortcut for SAP systems". You can assign necessary SAP authorizations quickly and easily directly in the system.
As described in SAP Note 543164, the dynamic profile parameter auth/authorisation_trace of the trace is set to Y (active) or F (active with filter).
Particular attention should be paid not only to the award of transactions but also to the value characteristics of each of the eligible objects.