Consolidate user-level role mapping
From the result of the statistical usage data, you can see which transactions (ENTRY_ID) were used, how often (COUNTER), and how many different users. There are various indications from this information. For example, transactions that were used only once by a user within 12 months could indicate a very privileged user, or inadvertently invoking a transaction for which a user has permissions. The future assignment of such transactions in the SAP role concept should then be critically questioned. In contrast, you should consider transactions with a high level of usage and a large user circle (e.g. with more than ten users) in an SAP role concept.
Many tools that offer to simplify care operations of the transaction PFCG work Excel-based. The complete roll data is stored and processed in Excel. Then the Excel file is uploaded with a special programme and generates roles and role changes. While this all looks very comfortable (and probably is at first), it has its drawbacks in the long run.
Role selection for mass transport uses the default value help, which offers the Multiple Selection button. Thus, you no longer have to go through the Value Helper (F4) to perform multiple selection of roles, and the restriction of selected roles to the visible rows is eliminated.
In order to provide user authorisation support, you often need their information. However, there is also the possibility to view missing permissions centrally for all users. If a user has a permission issue, a ticket is usually displayed at support. However, it is difficult for a support worker to understand permissions errors because they have different permissions and are often missing detailed information about the application where the permission error occurred. In practice, therefore, support staff often help themselves by asking the user to send a screenshot of the transaction SU53. Because this transaction shows the last failed permission check. In many cases, however, the information displayed there is not helpful to the permission administrator. You may have seen that a screenshot from the SU53 transaction shows a missing permission for typical base authorization objects, such as S_ADMI_FCD, S_CTS_ADMI, or S_TRANSLAT, but you know that your check has nothing to do with the actual permissions problem in the application. So you need the opportunity to see for yourself.
Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".
Audit structures may be subject to different audits; Therefore, you must always select an audit first.
Check the compatibility of your systems before setting the login/password_downwards_ compatibility profile parameter.