SAP Authorizations Analysis and reporting tool for SAP SuccessFactors ensures order and overview - SAP Basis

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Analysis and reporting tool for SAP SuccessFactors ensures order and overview
List of required organisational levels and their value
When displaying or posting receipts in SAP Finance, are the standard eligibility checks insufficient? Use document validation, BTEs, or BAdIs for additional permission checks. The posting of documents, and often their display, is protected by standard permission checks; but they may not meet your requirements.

The data that is regulated by the structural authorizations must be hierarchically structured in one of the personnel development components. This could be Organizational Management or Personnel Development, for example. Access can thus be regulated relative to the root object within the hierarchical structure.
Object S_BTCH_ADM (batch administration authorization)
If the proliferation has occurred because the authorization concept was not adhered to, a cleanup is sufficient. If the proliferation has arisen because there are errors and gaps in the authorization concept, these errors must be identified, eliminated and the authorizations optimized. If the concept can no longer be implemented in a meaningful way, or if it has already been set up incorrectly, it will be necessary to create a new one.

Add SAP Note 1433352 to your system. This note ships with the RSAUDIT_SYSTEM_STATUS report. This report documents the current status of the Client and System Modification Settings in an overview, which you can also print out for evaluation if required. The advantage of this report is that pure display permissions are necessary to execute it.

If you get into the situation that authorizations are required that were not considered in the role concept, "Shortcut for SAP systems" allows you to assign the complete authorization for the respective authorization object.

On the one hand, SAP default audit structures are offered, and on the other hand, you have the possibility to create custom audit structures as area menus.

It is not uncommon for developers to issue an authorization error of the type "No authorization for..." from their programs, but they have not checked this with a standard authorization check at all, so that the error is not an actual authorization error.
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