SAP Basis SOST SAPconnect - Send requests - SAP Basis

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SOST SAPconnect - Send requests
SM64 Batch Events: Overview and Management
As we explained in SAP Basis, your SAP Basis administrator (or team) is directly responsible for keeping your SAP landscape healthy, online, and up-to-date. This includes:

The Advanced Memory thus contains mainly user contexts of different work processes, if these cannot be loaded completely into the roll area. Since the storage area is accessible for all work processes, the work processes can also access external user contexts that lie here. In addition, the Advanced Memory contains a global area where data can be stored independently of user contexts. The extended memory size is determined by the values of em/initial_size_MB and em/global_area_MB. The first parameter determines the size of the storage area in which user contexts can be stored, and the second determines the size of the global area. Parameters for Private Storage Last but not least, there is the private storage, which is only used when the user context of a work process has used up all the other storage areas available to it, i.e. its share of the extended memory and its rolling area. In this case, the workprocess goes into PRIV mode. A workprocess in private mode is bound to its current user context and will not become free for other tasks until the current request is completed. If it has used up all the private memory allocated to it, the workprocess will then be restarted and the memory released. This behaviour is controlled with the abap/heaplimit parameter. At times, the user context may exceed the value of abap/heaplimit. The parameters abap/heap_area_total, abap/heap_area_dia and abap/heap_area_nondia define an upper limit for private storage. The abap/heap_area_total parameter defines how much private storage all workprocesses can use in total. The parameters abap/heap_area_dia and abap/heap_area_nondia, on the other hand, determine how much private storage a single (non-)dialogue workprocess can use.
What has changed in the past decade and what can we expect in the coming decade? How will they affect the requirements profile of SAP Basis experts and how can they adapt to them?
To facilitate communication within IT departments, it is necessary to identify clear communication channels and contact persons and also to use uniform tools for communication. It would also be possible to designate contact points (contact points) for upstream and downstream IT departments and external service providers and suppliers.

The higher the degree of standardisation of operational and maintenance tasks, the more effective the technical operation and maintenance can be. At the same time, this simplifies outsourcing and, if necessary, the use of a cloud solution. CHOOSING AN APPROPRIATE SERVICE FORM Regardless of the chosen service form, as well as outsourcing and outtasking, the overall responsibility for the availability and performance of the IT-supported applications remains with the company. This still means internal coordination of maintenance windows or release booths, which remains in place. Similarly, the services provided by the external partner must be regularly monitored and their quality checked. Therefore, the chosen IT strategy must be chosen from this point of view with the lowest risk. If the technical operation is not sufficiently assessed in the decision, there is a significant business risk.

"Shortcut for SAP Systems" makes it easier and quicker to complete a number of SAP basis tasks.

The application layer communicates with both the database layer and the presentation layer.

This can include user management, patch management and system monitoring.
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