SM37 Simple job selection
The analysis shows you in the form of a traffic light output (red-yellow-green) whether the respective settings are configured correctly. In addition, you can also view the detailed values of the respective settings.
Capacity must be built to provide the necessary space for pilot and research projects and to meet the increased demands. This can be done, among other things, by increasing the previous resources or/ and by measures of standardisation & automation as well as "cloudability", outsourcing & outtasking.
The second component of the application layer is the message server. It acts as a kind of "mediator" between the services and the applications.
If the user assignment of several transactions is to be verified, where it is not clear whether all transactions have been maintained in the menu of roles, the use of the transaction SE16N is always appropriate. Here you can also see the transactions that were assigned to a role only by the S_TCODE permission object. The result also shows which transaction is included in which role. What experience have you had in identifying specific transactions with user assignment? Do you know of any other ways to solve this problem? About your experiences and.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" makes many tasks in the area of the SAP basis much easier.
Support packages intended for another release or an uninstalled add-on will not appear in the queue, even if they are loaded into your SAP system.
In addition to purely administrative tasks, SAP administrators are also responsible for communication tasks.