Restricting the user name in the SAP system
As a hint: The menu tab "Jump" allows you to set all namespaces or software components simultaneously to "modifiable" or "non-modifiable". However, before you can rearrange the namespace and software components, you must also adjust the global setting accordingly. With Save or CTRL+S you can now save your new settings and you have already set the system modifiability.
Projects: Your SAP Basis administrator plays a key role in planning and executing system upgrades and migrations. He is also responsible for transport management and tests software updates to ensure they are compatible with the landscape. In addition, he must ensure that they are installed in the correct order.
Manual copies
The tasks described above, which occur at rather irregular intervals and involve a certain degree of complexity due to the lack of routine or process know-how, should be examined in order to determine whether they can be performed more efficiently by an external service provider. One question to be answered is whether it is necessary to keep the necessary knowledge in the company in order to be able to react faster than the external service provider. For example, for business critical systems. Security aspects should also be considered, as external persons gain access to the system. From now on, outtasking performance must be regularly monitored and checked for quality and documentation. A complete dependence on the external partner must not arise.
You can view them using the RSPUTPRT report or the AL11 transaction. AUTO_MOD_SPAU This step checks whether modifications can be adjusted automatically. RUN_SPAU_? This step prompts you to customise your modifications to Repository objects by calling the transaction SPAU. EPILOGUE In this step the insertion is completed. Checks whether the queue is fully processed. In this case, transport buffer entries should no longer exist for the Queue. There are the following reasons that may lead to the termination of this step: TP_INTERFACE_FAILURE: Unable to call tp interface. TP_FAILURE: The tp programme could not be run. For more information, see the SLOG or ALOG log file.
Use "Shortcut for SAP Systems" to accomplish many tasks in the SAP basis more easily and quickly.
You can also use this function to restore an aborted commit procedure.
Technically, SAP Basis consists of three layers: the database layer, the application layer and the presentation layer.