Error analysis
SWELS Switch event trace on/off
Protect: CodeProfiler for ABAP protects the SAP system from internal and external attacks from the first day of deployment. The ABAP firewall can be set up within a very short time and immediately checks every new transport request when it is released. Optimize: The audit function of CodeProfiler for ABAP specifically determines which programs are most threatened and should therefore be cleaned up first. In the long term, CodeProfiler for ABAP supports the automated correction of all findings and thus enables the timely closure of security gaps in all programs.
Understanding the structure and functioning of the system is particularly important for IT administration. It is not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a career field in its own right. Instead of data and application development, the focus here is on providing the software environment on which the company's tools are created. SAP Basis is therefore comparable to the server and platform infrastructure and its administration in companies - as distinct from application and web development.
User name with restrictions - how?
Because hybrid landscapes are seen as the operating model of the future, it is necessary to develop monitoring strategies for this. What is important is an end-to-end view based on the process and not just an individual view of the systems, services or components involved. This supports the requirement of a company-wide interface function of the SAP basis.
The establishment of Software-Defined Data Centres or IaaS are the key to further flexibility and standardisation of SAP technology infrastructure. The concept of a Software-Defined Data Centre is to create an abstraction layer over the individual virtualised components, such as servers, networks or storage, that controls, controls, provisioning, and automates the entire infrastructure.
Use "Shortcut for SAP Systems" to accomplish many tasks in the SAP basis more easily and quickly.
One difficulty is the definition of IT products, i.e. the pooling of IT services and resources.
STEP 9: INTERNAL COMMUNICATION Internal communication describes how the above-mentioned aspects can also be successfully communicated internally, i.e. in the direction of one's employees.